02 September 2009

one day, one room.

EVE: [calming a bit] Your story. Is it true?

HOUSE: [sighs] True for somebody.

EVE: But not for you.

HOUSE: [getting up] These things happen. Happened to somebody. What do you care if it happened to me?

EVE: They're not in this room.

HOUSE: [loudly] No! They're out there! Doctors, lawyers,... postal workers! Some of them doing great, some of them doing lousy! You're gonna base your whole life on who you got stuck in a room with?

EVE: [stubborn] I'm gonna base this moment on who I'm stuck in a room with. It's what life is. It's a series of rooms. And who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.

House, MD Season 3 Episode 313: One Day, One Room

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