sana maulit muli.
i'm reaching up and reaching out. i'm reaching for the random or what ever will bewilder me.
Subject: | from a friend, who loves to answer surveys on friendster... been a while since i answered any of these so pardon me for doing this one here! :P Survey worthy. | ||||||
Message: | 1) Do you have a dirty mind? - *wink wink* 2) Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do? - Too many effffffin' times. 3) What do you look forward to most in the upcoming months? - month 4. counting down... 4) Who are you thinking about right NOW? - an ice cold gatorade :D ah teka, WHO ba? :p 5) Who is the last male(s) you talked to on the phone? - my TL. 6) Who was the last person to make you laugh? When? - halleighbear :) just now :) 7) Have you ever been stalked? - Hahaha! not telling! 8) Do you think you will be married by the time you are 35? - i guess, i have a ring on my finger now :D 9) Last four things you drank: - pineapple juice. water. water. coke. 10) Did you wake up happy today? - yes :) 11) Do you watch TV or listen to music more? - i can only do both when the computer is on. i watch my tv shows on the internet. i get my music online. 12) Would you rather your partner have gorgeous eyes or a gorgeous smile? - BOTH. 13) If someone cheated on you, what would you do? - give him a big fat F. F for FCK U. 14) What month is your birthday in? - july 16) Who sits next to you in chemistry? - i really can't remember. 17) Would you ever get a tattoo? - i was seriously thinking of getting one last week... 18) If you could choose to live without any emotion, would you want to? - hatred. 19) Did you sleep at least seven hours last night? - i doubt i ever will. 20) Do you think that your name defines who you are? - nawp. 21) What color eyes do you prefer the opposite gender to have? - never given much thought about the matter. brown? i'm not a fan of blue eyed dorks. 23) Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? - rainy if i don't have anything to do. sunny if i need to go places. 24) Where do you work? - cee vee gee. 25) Where is the person you like now? - INDIA. haha. 26) Last person you text messaged? - allan 27) Who was the last person to call you? - TL Jay 28) What are you doing right now? - stumbling upon webpages. chatting with kae and grace. answering this series of nonsense, why the hell am i doing this? :p 29) Next time you travel out of the country where will it be to? - next time? there has been no first time yet. where? take me to where the flavor is. haha. i don't know. europe? 30) What color are your eyes? - hazelnut brown. LOL. imbento! 31) Are you allergic to anything? - rommel assiong? not anymore. 32) Are you dating the last person you kissed? - yap :p . 34) What color is your hair? - caramel brown? haha! 35) Who knows a secret or two about you? - my mafia sidekicks. hell why would i tell you? :p 36) Did you have a nap today? - noerr 37) Whats on your mind? - a whole effin' LOT! 38) Where did you get the shirt you're wearing now? - ukay ukay :D 39) Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? - never crossed my mind. 40) Where were you 1 hour ago? - here at home still. 42) Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than a friend? - yeah. 44) Have you kissed anyone in the past week? - yef, my fam :p 45) what cunt? - err next question. 46) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? - paper! 47) If you took a drug test would you pass it? - yup :p 48) Is tomorrow night going to be a good night? - i hope so! 49) Are you comfortable with answering personal questions? - sureee. bring it! 50) When is the last time you cried? - coupla days ago. |
-a perfect circle
Metaphor for a missing moment
Pull me in to your perfect circle
One womb
One shame
One resolve
Liberate this will
To release us all
Gotta cut away, clear away
Slip away and sever this
Umbilical residue,
Keeping me from killing you
And from pulling you down with me here,
I can almost hear you scream
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment
Give me one more medicated peaceful moment
And I don't wanna feel this
Overwhelming hostility
I don't wanna feel this
Overwhelming hostility
Gotta cut away, clear away
Slip away and sever this
Umbilical residue
Gotta cut away, clear away
Slip away and sever this
Umbilical residue,
Keeping me from killing you
Slip away and sever this
Keeping me from killing you